Words by Harriet L. Castle
Music by J.C. Beckel
You see, my jolly comrades, we are ripe and prime for battle;
We heeded not the cannon's roar nor grape shot's stinging rattle.
We were sworn to death or victory for our Union, God defend her;
And to only take from rebels unconditional surrender.
Unconditional, unconditional, unconditional surrender!
Amidst the din of warfare and the shrieks of hosts a-dying,
We heard a shout of triumph, saw the flag of truce a-flying;
And we knew the rebel leader a petition came to tender,
But our gallant General Granted unconditional surrender.
"'Tis unchivalric treatment to a man in my condition,
But I yield me," said their leader, so our armies gained admission.
Then our flag went up instanter, as she must, when braves defend her,
And while leaders have this war cry: "Unconditional surrender!"
Hurrah! then for our Union, our Flag and Constitution;
While we've hands and hearts for battle we will have no dissolution.
Hurrah! then for our Union, peace and liberty attend her;
And henceforth be this our war cry: "Unconditional surrender!"
Thanks to Benjamin Tubb of
The Music of the American Civil War (1861-1865)
for permission to use his MIDI file of
The Grant Pill.
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission.

Songs of the Union