Words by Henry Tucker
Music by George Cooper
Jeff Davis was a hero bold,
You've heard of him, I know,
He tried to make himself a king
Where southern breezes blow;
But "Uncle Sam," he laid the youth
Across his mighty knee,
And spanked him well, and that's the end
Of brave old Jeffy D.
Oh! Jeffy D.! You "flow'r of chivalree,"
Oh royal Jeffy D.!
Your empire's but a tin-clad skirt,
Oh, charming Jeffy D.
This Davis, he was always full
Of bluster and of brag,
He swore, on all our Northern walls,
He'd plant his Rebel rag;
But when to battle he did go,
He said, "I'm not so green,
To dodge the bullets, I will wear
My tin-clad crinoline."
Now when he saw the game was up,
He started for the woods,
His bandbox hung upon his arm
Quite full of fancy goods;
Said Jeff, "They'll never take me now,
I'm sure I'll not be seen.
They'd never think to look for me
Beneath my crinoline."
Jeff took with him, the people say,
A mine of golden coin,
Which he, from banks and other places,
Managed to purloin;
But while he ran, like every thief,
He had to drop the spoons.
And maybe that's the reason why
He dropped his pantaloons.
Our Union boys were on his track
For many nights and days,
His palpatating heart it beat,
Enough to burst his stays;
Oh! what a dash he must have cut
With form so tall and lean;
Just fancy now the "What is it?"
Dressed up in crinoline!
The ditch that Jeff was hunting for,
He found was very near;
He tried to "shift" his base again,
His neck felt rather queer;
Just on the out-"skirts" of a wood
His dainty shape was seen,
His boots stuck out, and now they'll hang
Old Jeff in crinoline.
Thanks to Benjamin Tubb of
The Music of the American Civil War (1861-1865)
for permission to use his MIDI file of
Jeff in Petticoats.
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without permission.

Songs of the Union